About Unlimited Tips Tricks
Welcome to Online Unlimited Tips Tricks – a blog that provides useful computer tips in an easy to understand format.
My name is Aseem Kishore and I am a full-time professional blogger. Previously, I worked in the IT industry for over 4 years.
I graduated from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, in 2012 with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Why Unlimited Tips Tricks?
The main purpose of this site is to provide readers with daily computer tutorials, technology news, software reviews, and personal computing tips.
I started blogging back in February of 2014 as a way to note down all of the cool websites and free software applications that I found on the Internet. After a while, I began to write a couple of tutorials that helped me out with my daily tasks while working in IT.
Since that time, I have written well over 500+ articles on topics ranging from Windows to databases. I enjoy blogging because it not only provides a service to the people who read the blog, but it also broadens my knowledge and understanding of the Internet.
How many visitors do you get?
As of right now, I currently average around 500+ visitors a day and about 1,5000+ page views every month. Most traffic comes from the US and UK, with India coming in third place. About 80% of my traffic comes from search engines and the rest is either direct or by referral.
Here are some of my stats from the major website ranking services like Alexa and Quantcast.
Can you email me questions?
Of course! Feel free to shoot me a question on any topic related to computers. Sometimes I get a bunch of emails so it may take a day or two to get back in contact with you. I’ll be incorporating technical forums into my blog eventually.
Also, check out my Google+ profile for more information about me.
Is there any other way to connect with you?
Of course, otherwise, I would not be a “computer” guy! You can connect with me on all of the following services:
Can I write articles for Unlimited Tips Tricks?
Absolutely. The process is very simple, just click on the Contact Me link in the right sidebar and I’ll email you instructions on what I’m looking for and how to get started. Everyone will not be selected, but if you have a flair for technology, software, Web 2.0 sites, etc, you’ll be a great fit!
How do I advertise on Unlimited Tips Tricks?
Currently, I monetize my blog using a combination of Google Adsense and Kontera in-text advertising. If you are interested in partnering with Unlimited Tips Tricks, please contact me using the Contact Me link. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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